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Jake Hill
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Ethereum Wallets Planning to add Scheduled Transaction Feature

MyCrypto Wallet is the first to start implementing scheduled transactions for Ethereum and this has been called as ‘Ethereum alarm clock’. This wallet was founded by Co-founder of MyEtherWallet. As Reported by CCN, This feature of scheduling transactions can be used by any existing Ethereum wallets. Users must just connect...


Indian Festival Organizers leverages Blockchain Tech

With a growing popularity, Blockchain is penetrating every possible way we can imagine using. To quote one such instance, the popular festival Ganesh Utsav celebrated in India is leveraging Blockchain tech. Yes! you read right, the organizers of Ganesh pandal in Andra Pradesh state are now making use of single...


Internet Connectivity, a major hurdle for Crypto adoption in Africa

When it comes to crypto adoption, internet connectivity plays a crucial role. With the growing popularity of cryptocurrency in Africa, poor internet access may turn out to be a major hindrance to its adoption.  As per reports published by International Telecommunications Union(ITU) with the title ‘The State of Broadband...

Jake Hill

South Korea Uses Samsung's Blockchain for Customs Service

South Korea Customs Service (KCS) is planning to use Samsung’s blockchain technology in order to reduce fraud and keep the custom’s system decentralized. According to Samsung SDS, CEO Won-Pyo Hong stated that the company will develop a blockchain platform (Nexledger) for export customs logistics service. This will be...

Jake Hill

IBM & HACERA to Build Yellow Pages for Blockchain Networks

IBM together with HACERA, a Blockchain Company is set to introduce yellow pages of Blockchain Networks. This is built to support other companies around the world to participate in blockchain projects. HACERA is the first member to join the IBM’s Blockchain ecosystem. This Yellow pages will be identified as...


Morgan Stanley to Create 'Bitcoin swap trading' for its Clients

Morgan Stanley one of the worlds largest financial institution is creating a product ‘Bitcoin swap trading’ for its clients to trade Bitcoin. According to Bloomberg, Morgan Stanley is planning to offer to trade in complex derivatives for Bitcoin, that give traders synthetic exposure to the performance of Bitcoin. This approach...

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