Jake Hill

Jake Hill

Coming from a University Education in Computer Science, I am interested in blockchains and Bitcoin since 2014 and even mined at the time. The rumors of Bitcoin bubble made me run away, but I have com

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Jake Hill

15000 Cryptocurrency Scam Bots Affect Twitter Users

The problem of cryptocurrency scam bots seems to be increasing consistently. According to a report, there are 15,000 different scam bots on Twitter alone. This clearly indicates that it is difficult for the Twitter users to actually protect themselves from the crypto bots. Moreover, these crypto bots actually are...

Jake Hill

West Virginia Transforms Voting Process Using Blockchain

West Virginia consists of a significant population of citizens living overseas. The state has finally decided that for the midterm elections, the overseas residents will be able to vote with the help of blockchain technology. This will ensure that the US troops from West Virginia are able to vote quite...

Jake Hill

Goldman Sachs To Deal with Bitcoin for its Clients

Goldman Sachs has been able to remain away from the cryptocurrencies up until now. Even though it has invested in some of the start-ups related to cryptocurrencies but as a company, it has remained away from Bitcoin as well as other cryptocurrencies. However, that seems to be changing now. It...

Jake Hill

First Malta Crypto to Fiat Exchange to be Launched by Bitbay

Malta is trying to attract companies in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. In a recent announcement, it was known that Bitbay will be launching the first Malta crypto to Fiat exchange. As a result, the investors will be able to easily withdraw their cryptocurrency Holdings in the form of Fiat...

Jake Hill

Mexico Launches First Public Blockchain Tender

The Mexico government is the first one to launch public blockchain tender. It is a well-known fact that blockchain technology can be used for easing of the bureaucracy. As a result, many authorities are launching tenders as well as managing various departments on the blockchain technology. On the cryptocurrency, investors...

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