The problem of cryptocurrency scam bots seems to be increasing consistently. According to a report, there are 15,000 different scam bots on Twitter alone. This clearly indicates that it is difficult for the Twitter users to actually protect themselves from the crypto bots. Moreover, these crypto bots actually are using newer and newer techniques in order to defraud the investors. That is why it is becoming difficult for the investors to avoid the scam bots. Losses have only been mounting due to these crypto scam bots. It remains to be seen whether Twitter as a platform is able to do anything about them or not.
15,000 scam bots trying to scam you from your cryptocurrency Holdings:
Normally, on the social networks like Twitter, people trust the shares which are made by other users. That is why it is becoming much easier for the scam bots to spread around. Moreover, the users who are sharing the scam bots URLs do not even know that they are scam bots until it is too late. That is why it is easy for the scam bots to spread themselves as well. This also means that nobody will doubt them as well.
Moreover, since the entire platform is conversation-based, recommendation or share is not a thing to be suspicious of. This is one of the main reasons why the bots are becoming so viral. Over a period of time, as more and more bots to get introduced, it is becoming easier for the bots to also lure the investors to part with their cryptocurrency Holdings. This is resulting in more and more losses for the cryptocurrency holders. Moreover, it is becoming difficult for the platforms to distinguish between the real shares as well as the fake shares as well. This is another problem which they are facing.
With that being said, the entire community of cryptocurrency investors is actually impacted by the false bots as well as mobile applications. It is high time that the cryptocurrency investors actually take certain steps before trusting the bots or the mobile applications. Only when they are able to do so, it will become easier for them to protect their cryptocurrency Holdings as well. This is an important step to ensure that they do not lose their cryptocurrency Holdings. Cryptocurrency Holdings once lost are very difficult to regain. That is why the cryptocurrency investors need to conduct their own due diligence before trusting any bot or app.