

Blockchain technology is a type of distributed ledger that consists of blocks of information that are linked together in an encrypted chain of transactions. It allows for a highly secure form of surveillance and also has the potential to power brand new applications, platforms, and business models entirely.

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Blockchain jobs are on surge, reports LinkedIn

While bear market witnesses a huge slump the demand for blockchain developers is an all-time high. The report by popular business social network LinkedIn – 2018 US Emerging Jobs indicates that the role of blockchain developer is increasing rapidly. The highlighting aspect of report is that demand for blockchain developer has...


UNICEF to Invest in Blockchain based Startups

World famous charity association, the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund(aka UNICEF) has decided to invest in blockchain related projects through its Innovation Fund. Reportedly, each project will receive an amount of  $100,000 to come up with working prototype by next year. The targeted ventures majorly involves...


'Innovation Society' of India to promote Blockchain

Apparently few states in India do believe in the potential of Blockchain tech and have decided to promote the same. The so called ‘Innovation Society ‘ of Andhra Pradesh state or APIS(Andhra Pradesh Innovation Society) has emerged with an aim to build blockchain ecosystem and foster the development of the...


Amazon has Launched its Managed Blockchain Platform

World’s largest E-commerce company, Amazon has launched a managed blockchain platform to support blockchain companies. Here other companies will be able to create their own low-cost blockchain network. This platform was unveiled on Wednesday at Amazon’s re:Invent conference. On their official website, they said that this service...

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