

Blockchain technology is a type of distributed ledger that consists of blocks of information that are linked together in an encrypted chain of transactions. It allows for a highly secure form of surveillance and also has the potential to power brand new applications, platforms, and business models entirely.

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Pooja might soon start a Stablecoin project

Famed wallet provider – is planning to launch a Stablecoin project by the end of 2019, the name of which is till unknown. The CEO of Blockchain, Peter Smith claims that this ‘move will shift the market by changing the way financial services are given to people.’  Smith further...


Honeywell to sell Aircraft Parts using Blockchain Tech

The multinational company Honeywell is rolling out its new aircraft trading sector which will use blockchain technology. The trading site ‘GoDirect ‘ will serve as a e-commerce platform for buying and selling aircraft parts. Thus the introduction of decentralized tech provides transparent business for both the parties. The challenging task when...

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