Jake Hill

Jake Hill

Coming from a University Education in Computer Science, I am interested in blockchains and Bitcoin since 2014 and even mined at the time. The rumors of Bitcoin bubble made me run away, but I have com

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Jake Hill

Scotland Hotel to Start Accepting Cryptocurrency Payment

The Lovat, a hotel in Perth, Scotland which provides stay and dining services to its customers. Now the hotel is planning to accept cryptocurrency payment from the customers for its services. According to HeraldScotland, The hotel has associated with Incognito Cryptocurrency (INC). Whereas INC is launched by a University of...

Jake Hill

Cryptocurrency Users Triple in Australia Since January

The Cryptocurrency Users in Australia have been increasing since the beginning of the year. And we hear that the number of cryptocurrency users has been tripled until August. As reported by Australian local news, There was a survey which was conducted on 2000 people by a firm called HiveEx. The...

Jake Hill

Russian Police Confiscate 22 Crypto ATM’s in 9 Cities

The Police in Russia has confiscated 22 Crypto ATMs from stores and restaurants of 9 cities. This was done due to unregulated crypto ATM machines were operational and require regulation to run them. The order to confiscate was given by Prosecutor’s Office and Central Bank of Russia. The Reason...

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