

Lead writer at Wolfcone.com and avid reader. My interests lie in everything and anything related to technology. I firmly believe cryptocurrency has the power to revolutionize world economy and blockc

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Bitcoin price plummets to as low as $4050, What next?

In the past one week, the cryptocurrency market has witnessed a huge loss, hitting the lowest bitcoin value of $4,050 USD. Although at the time of writing the bitcoin price was ranging in $4,575 the further decrease in price can be expected. Cause for the Bitcoin Fallout Roughly...


SEC Authorities Presses charges against Two ICO Startups

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission made a recent announcement on filing security charges on two well-known ICO startups. Namely  CarrierEQ Inc., also known as Airfox, and Paragon Coin Inc who made their debut in the crypto industry via crowdfunding process in the last year. The two ICOs were...

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