Coinbase reports 18% of US students having Cryptocurrency

With the growing hype of cryptocurrencies and blockchain in the market, the education sector is majorly impacted. As per survey results published on popular exchange platform Coinbase, there is an increasing trend in the blockchain adopted by Universities in the US.

The notable factor in the findings indicates that 42% of the world’s top 50 Universities as ranked by World Report now offer courses on either of Cryptocurrency or Blockchain technology.

Also, the post highlights on Qriously survey which includes the review from around 675  US students across 50 international Universities.

Among many such use cases in research, there are few noteworthy instances to quote. Example, David Yermack, a professor in the finance department of New York  University Stern School of Business says that there were 35 students enrolled back in 2014 for ‘Blockchain and Financial Services‘ course but the same for spring 2018 raised up to 230. Hence he decided to teach the course for both semesters instead of one.

It is interesting to see that students are not just limiting the course syllabus for the classrooms instead are actively involved in using the technology in the real world.

“18% of surveyed students revealed to be owning one or the other cryptocurrency”

The course inclusion is not just restricted for traditional computer science department but opted out on a broader spectrum. Statistics show that 34% of computer science to be interested in learning blockchain course whereas 47% of social sciences majors are opting out for the same.

Growing Interest and Marketable Skills

One of the main reasons behind such growing demand and interest for the crypto courses lies in the fact that, applications of Blockchain are not just limited to fintech industry but has a huge impact on various other sectors.

On the same lines Nat McGrath, vice president of people at Coinbase quoted that,

“It’s exciting to see widespread interest in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology taking off in the global academic community, including students attending the top universities in the world”

Alongside, major MOOC’s such as Udemy, Coursera, edX, Udacity are also providing huge scope for Advanced Blockchain courses with the inclusion of lessons on foundational cryptography.

The blockchain technology is certainly the future of tomorrow. Universities are also moving in the same direction. What do you think of movement? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.