Scotland Hotel to Start Accepting Cryptocurrency Payment

The Lovat, a hotel in Perth, Scotland which provides stay and dining services to its customers. Now the hotel is planning to accept cryptocurrency payment from the customers for its services.

According to HeraldScotland, The hotel has associated with Incognito Cryptocurrency (INC). Whereas INC is launched by a University of Strathclyde graduate. Also, During the publicity of INC, it is said to be the most secure coin in the cryptocurrency industry.

The Owner of the hotel Alfredo Alongi has traded the same cryptocurrency as a hotel guest. This has brought him confidence in the cryptocurrency payment system.

“Cryptocurrency has the potential to boost direct bookings as the transaction exists purely between the customer and the service provider – there’s no middleman and no additional fees for either party.” said Alongi.

The Lovat hotel was closed by its previous management in January. And after that, it was relaunched again recently. Alongi strongly believes that cryptocurrency can revolutionize the hotel industry. This is due to eliminating the intermediate third parties which cost extra fees.

Creating Cryptocurrency Awareness in the UK.

Recently we had seen London School of economics is one of the leading institutions in the UK. The school is planning to conduct online courses for cryptocurrencies. Thus helping the students to understand cryptocurrency and its uses.

This shows the growth of cryptocurrency in the UK. Soon other hotels might think of a similar move to earn profits from their business as well as the cryptocurrency.


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